Limitations Hotlist Menu The current version does not allow semicolons in the hotlist menu, either within the URL itself or the hypertext/menu text. Complex HTML Elements Various HTML specifications allow attributes to be added to common HTML tags, such as

or even

. While manually added attributes generally pose no problem in HTML.edit, unpredictable results may occur, especially with HTML structural elements. The parser for most of the structural elements (, , ) expects them to be in their attribute-less form, and may either ignore attribute-containing tags, or may possibly eliminate the attributes. BODY elements containing attributes are understood and handled correctly. Non-structural tags containing attributes (such as lists or styles) are generally ignored (ie., HTML.edit doesn't understand them). While the HTML DTD allows the inclusion of "<" and ">" within comments or quoted element attributes, HTML.edit's parser doesn't understand. Some browsers get pretty confused by this as well. Number of Documents There is no inherent limit to the number of documents, master headers and footers that can be stored within HTML.edit, other than the 30K character limit imposed by the text fields used for the document Index, and the available size of your hard disk. This limitation sets the upper document count between 6000-7500 documents, although the Index displays of name, title and path will each truncate content at 30K characters. After the Index's internal document reference field (an ID of 4 or 5 digits per document) fills, the editor will still operate, but the Index and functions that refer to the Index will not operate correctly. At this point it is recommended that the Index be set to View by Name, as then at least display of documents within the Go to… dialog (Command-Ø) will still operate correctly. You can check to see the current percent of capacity of the Index fields by option-clicking on the Elapsed Time display located in the lower right of the Index card. Document Size HTML.edit is not able to contain more than 30K characters in any field. Documents can be larger than 30K when including the Header and Footer areas (and will export the complete contents of Header, Body and Footer), but imported documents will be truncated to 30K. Using the Header and Footer areas, you extend the possible document size to 90K. Someone called this "cheating". OK, I agree. Some functions also run into this 30K limit. If a future version of HyperCard allows for unlimited field lengths, I won't be the only one to breathe a sigh of relief. There is a file size indicator in the Info Window, which displays the number of characters in the Header, Body and Footer sections. This indicator is updated on opening the document window, exiting the Header, Body or Footer areas, or clicking directly on the Info windoid. It is in the format: {file size in kilobytes}: {header size}+{body size}+{footer size} chars On to Known Bugs, or return to Contents.